Annual Overview 2010 (11 Hits)

Graphene Sensoring (Physics)

Luca Banszerus, Michael Schmitz School year12, 12 Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Report, English version, Anleitung Graphenherstellung, Anleitung Kontaktierung von Nanostrukturen Awards

The Redox Flow Cell 2.0 (Chemistry)

Sebastian Klick, Jens Nettersheim, Michael Garzem School year12, 12, 12 Supervisor Veronika Stein
Abstract Report, English version Awards

Demonstration of Optical Activity in Metamaterials - Intrinsic and Extrinsic Chirality (Physics)

Stefan Hück, Andreas Bülow, Jasmin Bentler School year"15", "15", 13 SupervisorWalter Stein, Dr. Eric Plum
Abstract Report Awards

Photonic Liquid Crystals (Engineering)

Katharina Springer, Sarah Meyer, Sebastian Klick School year10, 10, 12 Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Report Awards

Micro- and Nanostructuring with High Voltage (Engineering)

Simon Roggendorf School year13 Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Report Awards

Simple Recognition of Vascular Disease (Engineering)

Luca Mennen, Matthias Zalfen School year7a, 7a Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Report Awards

The Marine Iguana of Galápagos (Biology)

Eric Paßlick School year8b Supervisor Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Klein
Abstract Report Awards

Automated Mapping of Graphene Flakes (Math/Computers)

Kilian Günthner School year7b Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Report Awards

clever fish - How does the Keeping of Fish Influence their Behaviour (Biology)

Charlotte Assenmacher, Romi Schmitz School year6a, 6a Supervisor Vera Küppers
Abstract Report Awards

Walking Leafs - We Examine Them Carefully!!! (Biology)

Nina Zimmer, Mariana Wiedenau School year6a, 6a Supervisor Vera Küppers
Abstract Report Awards

Construction of a REM Model (Physics)

Maurice Wald, Florian Büttner School year9c, 9c Supervisor Walter Stein
Abstract Report Awards

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Eric Plum